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What is it?

Launched in January 2020, West Berkshire MHST is currently work with 28 primary and secondary schools across the region, providing additional support to promote the mental health needs within schools and the local community.

Who are they?

MHSTs in West Berkshire are multi-disciplinary teams comprising of: Educational Psychologists, CAMHS Practitioner, Primary Mental Health Worker, Wellbeing Outreach Worker and Educational Mental Health Practitioners.

What they offer?

1:1 sessions for Year 6+ pupils, groups of pupils 'My mind matters', Parent workshops e.g. 'Helping your child with their fears and worries' and 'Emotion Coaching'.

We have been lucky enough to have MHST come into school and host Parent Workshops, please see below a list of workshops that have already taken place. Please find above the presentations from the workshops for your information.

Workshop Date
Promoting Resilience Workshop 26th April 2024
Managing Behaviours in the 'Incredible Years Workshop' 8th Dec 2023
Drop in and chat with the MHST 19th May 2023
Emotion Coaching 24th March 2023
Sleep Hygiene 6th Jan 2023
Helping your child with their 'Worries and Anxiety Workshop' 6th May 2022

To find out more please contact the school office to arrange to speak with our SENCo.

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